22 Haziran 2018 Cuma

In the 2016, the Japon scientist Yoshinori Ohsumi won Nobel prize in medicine for work on autophagy. His work is about how the body’s cells break down and recycle their own components. He briefly tells us that starvation helps to against some diseases as cancer, Alzheimer, neurological diseases etc.[1] and he adds that starvation for thirty or forty days is a wonderful treatment for the human body, and cells. His work is really amazing, but this cure is found for years ago J what is that? It is Ramadan which is a holy month for Muslims. They fast from sunrise till sunset for thirty days. Every Muslim is obligated to fast which is do not eating anything until the sunset. Allah orders in the Qur’an: “The month of Ramadhan [is that] in which was revealed the Qur'an, a guidance for the people and clear proofs of guidance and criterion. So whoever sights [the new moon of] the month, let him fast it; and whoever is ill or on a journey - then an equal number of other days. Allah intends for you ease and does not intend for you hardship and [wants] for you to complete the period and to glorify Allah for that [to] which He has guided you; and perhaps you will be grateful.” (Qur’an 2:185)
So why the fasting is so important? Why Allah orders every Muslim to fast? Because fasting has a lot of benefits both of human body, and his spiritual life. The benefits of human body in mentioned in the work of Yoshinori Ohsumi, if you want to learns, you can read it. I will mention more about spiritual benefits.
Allah orders every Muslim to be fast because it is so useful for their spiritual life. Because the stomach is the source of the key impulse of people. If a person can learn to control food, he can control other things as behavior, desires, speaking etc. to the person, and if he can control eating food or desires, he can easily success to control other things, and nafs, because the fast provides self-discipline.it is based on patience. Therefore the fast is a worship which overpower enemies. Because desires are the tool of the evil, and power supplies of desire or eating, and drinking. For this, Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h) declare: “Satan circulates in the body like blood. Make his passage narrow by means of hunger.”  Also fasting teaches us to be patience, to be better Muslim because during to fasting, Muslim becomes more attentive against to sins, and empathy to poor people who cannot find eating, dress. So Muslims understand how they suffer, and so they try to help them more. So Ramadan is a packet of believe which include fasting, patience, alms, reading more Qur’an, empathy, and taqwa which is most important benefit of fasting!

Be fast; get a lot of benefits J

Please watch these two videos for more information J


[1] See more: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3328387/

3 Şubat 2018 Cumartesi

    Have you ever think about your love of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)? Do you believe that you love him as much as we have to or as much as he deserves? Do we love him as much as the companions love him? Even if you cannot do it, have ever tried to love him like them? Unfortunatelly, all of us always forget to think about this. We forget to love him. We forget to think about him. Is it true? Should we think and remember him as much as the companions did? They did many things for Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). They waged war in the Bedr and Uhud. They gave up their life, parents and children. They migrated to Madinah with him. They love him more than they love their life,  parents and children. That is the important thing in Islam. We should love Allah (swt) and His Prophet (pbuh) more than anything.
    If we want to love him, we have to remember him in every side of our daily lives. We have to learn about his life. We should learn about his hadiths. We should try to apply what he wanted us to do and to avoid what he wanted us to avoid. We should know what he sacrificed for Allah and we should try to do same. In fact, we should remember him when we hear the word of Love. Also we are able to cry when we hear about trials and tribulations which he experinced for Allah. At the same time, we should be happy which time he was happy. We should take him as a role model. Lastly, we should love him more than anything and expect that one day we will see him and be with him in Paradise...

Turkish Version;
    Peygamberimize (sas) olan sevginizi hiç düşündünüz mü? Onu gerçekten sevmemiz gerektiği ve onun hakkettiği kadar seviyor muyuz? Efendimizi (sas) Güzide Sahabelerinin sevdiği kadar çok seviyor muyuz? Onlar kadar sevemesek bile bunu yapmayı hiç denedik mi? Malesef, hepimiz bu konu hakkında düşünmeyi hep unutuyoruz. Efendimizi (sas) sevmeyi unutuyoruz. Onun hakkında düşünmeyi unutuyoruz. Peki bu doğru mu? Efendimizi (sas) Sahabelerin hatırladığı ve düşündüğü gibi hatırlamamız ve düşünmemiz gerekmez miydi? Onlar Efendimiz (sas) için bir çok şey yaptılar. Bedir ve Uhud'da savaştılar. Canlarından, ailelerinden ve çocuklarından vazgeçtiler. Efendimiz (sas) ile beraber Medineye göç ettiler. Efendimizi (sas) canlarından, ailelerinden ve çocuklarından daha çok sevdiler. İslamda önemli olan şey de bu. Allahu Teala ve Onun Peygamberini (sas) her şeyden çok sevmek.
    Eğer Efendimizi (sas) sevmek istiyorsak, günlük yaşamımızın her saatinde onu hatırlamalıyız. Onun hayatını öğrenmeliyiz. Onu hadislerini okumalıyız. Bizden yapmamızı istediği şeyleri uygulamaya, kaçınmamızı istediği şeylerden de kaçınmaya çalışmalıyız. Onun Allah-u Teala için nelerden vazgeçtiğini bilmeli e aynı şekilde bizde vazgeçebilmeliyiz. Hatta, "Aşk veya Sevgi" kelimesini duyduyğumuzda Efendimizi (sas) hatırlamalıyız. Allah için yaşadığı güçlük ve sıkıntıları öğrendiğimizde ağlayabilmeliyiz. Aynı zamanda, onun mutlu olduğu zamanları okuduğumuzda bizde mutlu olmalıyız. Onu rol model olarak görmeliyiz. Son olarak da, Efendimizi (sas) her şeyden çok sevmeli ve bir gün onu göreceğimizin umuduyla yaşamalıyız...



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