22 Haziran 2018 Cuma

In the 2016, the Japon scientist Yoshinori Ohsumi won Nobel prize in medicine for work on autophagy. His work is about how the body’s cells break down and recycle their own components. He briefly tells us that starvation helps to against some diseases as cancer, Alzheimer, neurological diseases etc.[1] and he adds that starvation for thirty or forty...

3 Şubat 2018 Cumartesi

    Have you ever think about your love of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)? Do you believe that you love him as much as we have to or as much as he deserves? Do we love him as much as the companions love him? Even if you cannot do it, have ever tried to love him like them? Unfortunatelly, all of us always forget to think about this. We forget to...

7 Kasım 2017 Salı

6 Kasım 2017 Pazartesi

     "But perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you; and perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you. And Allah Knows, while you know not." Quran 2:216   Assalamu Alaykum My brothers and sisters; We see only the visible part of events and make comments accordingly. However, there are many good wisdoms that we do...

4 Kasım 2017 Cumartesi

    Sometimes we feel so tired. We think that we should give up now. We feel like no one hears us and like so lonely. These conditions happen especially when we work for spreading Islam. Sometimes, when we tell about Islam a person who is not Muslim, we notice that he does not listen to us. Maybe he listens but he cannot understand even...

3 Kasım 2017 Cuma

Assume that you have a friend who listens your happiness, and your sadness, and whatever you do, this friend always with you, always supports you. When you make a mistake, he corrects without breaking you, when you need a help, he lends a hand to you. When you success something, he becomes happier than you for you. You can call him anytime in evening...

1 Kasım 2017 Çarşamba

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